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循环引用对象本来没有什么问题,但是序列化的时候就会发生问题,比如调用 JSON.stringify() 对该类对象进行序列化,就会报错: Converting circular structure to JSON.

const isCycleObject = (obj, parent) => {
  const parentArr = parent || [obj];
  for (let k in obj) {
    if (typeof obj[k] === "object") {
      let flag = false;
      parentArr.forEach((pObj) => {
        if (pObj === obj[k]) {
          flag = true;
      if (flag) return true;
      flag = isCycleObject(obj[k], [...parentArr, obj[i]]);
      if (flag) return true;
  return false;

const a = 1;
const b = { a };
const c = { b };
const o = { d: { a: 3 }, c };
o.c.b.a = a;
